Sunday, September 20, 2009

I Dream of (FREE) Diaper Genie Refills

We have received several Wal-Mart gift cards as shower gifts/thank you's lately. And the question is always "what can we get that so-and-so would think is a good investement, since it was a gift from them and all..."

There is one thing we've been needing. Diaper Genie refills. Now, Jim and I differ in opinion on the necessity of this little luxury. I think it's totally impractical to continue spending $6 per's starting to feel like a waste of money, but at the same time, Jim's point: it keeps the stink down considerably. He's right - but, I can think of much cooler ways to spend that $6...note "cooler" not practical. THAT's my husband...he's the practical one. He would have spent an entire gift card on Diaper Genie refills alone and would have been content to have a stash in the closet to last us the next several weeks. It's really not a bad idea. TWICE, I gave him the giftcard and said "Have fun, Diaper Genie Man." and TWICE, he brought back full card and no refills...mostly because he didn't have a chance to get to Wal-Mart while running other errands.

I took that as providence. I previously suggested making our own out of the bajillion plastic grocery sacks under the counter...I swear, those things multiply themselves in the dark recesses of the cupboard. But, Jim mentioned the cost of Duct Tape alone wouldn't be worth it and that we should just "bite the bullet and get the refills already." I was hesitant...but, again, handed over the giftcard. But...before he could get out of the apartment, my creative instincts came to.

THIS was the result...

Packing Tape + Tall Kitchen Garbage Bags cut in half for double the fun + a little hot glue = FREE Diaper Genie Refills...
Bring it.

Jim is showing Josefine just how wonderfully well this gadget works and instructing her on how to do it herself... ;)


HonorMommy said...

You are so funny! I thought I was the only one who loved duct tape :-D.

We used to use the diaper genie for Honor, but it becomes impractical as they get older. What we discovered is that a diaper put into a plastic grocery bag, twisted and then doubled over itself and wrapped again and then tied tightly holds in the stink nicely...then we can just throw it into the normal garbage which goes out once a day anyway...

But your way works too :-D.

Carrie said...

That is hilarious - you are so frugal & crafty!!! :) Thanks for sharing! Loved the picture with Jim & Josefine! :)

une autre mère said...

I knew you were clever, but this takes the cake!

Super idea! :)

This Heavenly Life said...

This is amazing! I JUST wrote a post - Ok, last week sometime - about how we've abandoned the diaper genie for the trash can and how the stench is overwhelming...

Genius idea!

Amy@My Front Porch said...

I'm impressed! Never would have thought of this!

Anonymous said...

You could always go cloth....bum genius baby!

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